I feel like I always have a good week followed by a bad week. Almost as if it is impossible to have more than one great week in a row. Last week was going great. School went perfect that week, I only worked one day, i hung out with my friends every night, and my boyfriend and i didn't disagree over anything. This week has already started out pretty tough. I found out some pretty scary news, I'd rather not share. Let's just say that it is life changing and yah. My boyfriend and i have argued about the littlest things that really shouldn't matter, I have a huge project due for school this week that i thought i had a whole other week to do, and i was sick all weekend. Maybe things will start to mellow out soon, at least i hope theydo.
Last year, my best friend started doing drugs. Not just smoking pot, but using cocaine. I didn't really know how to react about it. We had been close friends for over four years when she told me about it. Her behaviors changed, our relationship changed, her whole persona changed. It really upset me to see her like this. I sat her down many times throughout the year and had heart to heart conversations with he. We would cry and we would laugh, bt Ineverdid get through to her. The last conversation that we had I told her that she needed to reprioritize her life and really see what is important to her and who cares about her. Bascically, she told me to F**K off and that was that. This definately was not a bonding moment over a tragedy, but it definately could have been if things went differently. I wonder sometimes how she is doing and if her lifestyle is still the same.